We are focused on bringing YOU the healthiest meat possible - free of antibiotics, synthetic hormones, and Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) feed. Industrial meat production including many large iconic ranches, feedlots, and small-scale farms practicing industrial agriculture, overuse antibiotics, hormones, and vaccines as mainstays to treat and prevent disease. With extensive protocols, often preventative pharmaceuticals are mixed directly into the food, and the animals receive antibiotics in every bite. Then after some time, the meat is consumed by humans.
Grass-Fed AND Grass-Finished Bison Meat
Unless an animal is grass-fed AND grass-finished, they are most commonly finished on grain diets in confinement. In confined feedlots for beef, or confined feeding units for poultry and pork, GMO grain products are the cheapest and quickest way to finish animals to market weights. Hormone implants are given to the animals to cause rapid growth and weight gain while in confinement. The unnatural diets of GMO corn, feed additives, and high sugars & starches that are fed can cause animals to become sick. This cocktail disrupts the acidity of the ruminant animals' stomach; which leads to stress, lesions, liver abscesses, lethargy, and decreased weight gain. The animal is then fed ionophores or antibiotics daily to rebalance the microbiome of the rumen and manage the abscesses; while improving feed efficiency to fatten the animal more quickly to get it to market.
When considering the source of your meat, the safest way to know what's in your food and how it has been treated is to get it directly from a farmer or rancher who is open about their production practices and who doesn't use unnecessary antibiotics or hormones.